Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide Typewriter Up for Sale [Hitchhikers]

Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide Typewriter Up for Sale [Hitchhikers]: "

See that battered old Hermes Standard 8 typewriter there, in a fetching shade of institutional brown? I'd practically saw my own leg off to own it. Why? Because I'm a huge Douglas Adams fan, and that battered old thing is the very typewriter DNA used to bring The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to the world. A surprisingly analog gadget, for such a self-avowed technology fan as he. And get this: it's actually on sale by a British bookseller, as part of a package with a 'fine' condition first-edition copy of Hitchhiker's. The package, complete with autograph on the typewriter lid, will set you back over $25,000. A vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big sum. But, boy... wouldn't it be worth it? [Abe Books via BBG]

(Via Gizmodo.)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Word of the Week — July 14-20

ignominious • \ig-nuh-MIN-ee-us\ • adjective

1 : marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable 2 : deserving of shame or infamy : despicable *3 : humiliating, degrading

Example Sentence:

The director's first film was an ignominious failure, panned by critics and ignored by moviegoers.

Did you know?

The "-nom-" of "ignominious" comes from "nomen," the Latin word for "name" or "repute." (It's also the root of "misnomer," "nomenclature," and "nominal," among others.) The "ig-" part of the word is akin to the negative prefix "in-"; when joined to the root "-nom-," it indicates the namelessness that goes with shame or dishonor. To suffer an ignominious fate is to lose the opportunity to make a name for oneself or to lose one's good name. When "ignominious" was first borrowed from a French form of the word in the 15th century, it meant "disgraced" or "dishonorable." "Ignominious" continues to have such meanings, but it also has somewhat milder meanings -- "embarrassing" and "humiliating."

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online

Friday, July 4, 2008

VOTD: Muppets July 4th Viral Video

Oh my GOD! I may not be American, but this is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time! E-mail it to all your friends!

VOTD: Muppets July 4th Viral Video: "

Muppets’ July 4th Viral Video

The Pitch: Have no idea where this comes from, or who created it, but once I saw it I knew that we needed to post this second Video of the Day on July 4th. ‘I, Sam the Eagle, present a musical salute to America.’

(Via /Film.)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sharper Image Human Touch Massage Chairs Look Familiar [Sharper Image]

Sharper Image Human Touch Massage Chairs Look Familiar [Sharper Image]: "

Reader Tim points out that this massage chair, seen at Sharper Image, looks really familiar. You know, we think he's right, but we can't quite get a grasp on it. We just hope they keep on selling these things even after their stores close—you know, for the human touch. Seriously, it's like on the tip of our tongue. What is this thing? It's gotta be staring us right in the eye. [Thanks Tim!]

(Via Gizmodo.)

Free Replacements Available For NC Residents With "WTF" License Plates

Free Replacements Available For NC Residents With "WTF" License Plates: "wtf-plate.jpg

So the folks at the North Carolina DMV just now caught wind of things called 'texting' and 'the interwebs' and learned that the license plates they were issuing that started with 'WTF' had a deeper, darker, what the fuckier side.

Last year, state officials notified nearly 10,000 holders of license plates with the letter combination 'WTF' that they could get a replacement at no charge after officials learned that the combination is a common acronym in text messaging for a vulgar phrase, 'What the ...'

WTF was the first random letter combination available when DMV switched from blue- to red-lettered plates. DMV spokeswoman Marge Howell received a sample plate WTF-5506 to use as a prop for news stories about the switch.

But while tracking down the errant plates, no one at the Division of Motor Vehicles checked their own Web site. 'WTF-5505' is shown as a sample of a personalized plate.

Interesting. But does this mean just the random, state-issued plates are being recalled, or all plates with 'WTF'? Because I'll be damned if they try and take 'WTF BITS' away from me.

State's sample license plate: What the ... [newsobserver]
Picture [flickr]

Thanks Zippy, are they trying to take your WTF plate too?"

(Via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome.) - iPhone 3G Voice & Data Packages

They're up! I'll comment later. - iPhone 3G Voice & Data Packages: ""

Monday, June 23, 2008

Word of the Week — June 23-29

Since I've missed a couple weeks, I'm going to give you a couple words. It only seems fair.

litotes • \LYE-tuh-teez\ • noun

1 : understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary

Example Sentence:

Jamie blushingly acknowledged her victory by litotes, saying that her scores were "not bad" and that she was "not displeased" with her performance.

Did you know?

Even if you've never heard the word "litotes," chances are you've encountered this figure of speech. If you've ever approved of a job well done by exclaiming "Not bad!" or told someone that you are "not unhappy" when you are ecstatic, you've even used it yourself. In fact, you might say that it would be "no mean feat" to avoid this common feature of our language! And litotes isn't only common; it's also "simple" -- etymologically speaking, that is. "Litotes" evolved from a Greek word meaning "simple," and perhaps ultimately from another Greek word meaning "linen cloth."

obeisance • \oh-BEE-sunss\ • noun

1 : a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow *2 : acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance : homage

Example Sentence:

The people paid obeisance to their god by kneeling at the shrine.

Did you know?

When it first appeared in English in the late 14th century, "obeisance" shared the same meaning as "obedience." This makes sense given that "obeisance" can be traced back to the Anglo-French verb "obeir," which means "to obey" and is also an ancestor of our word "obey." The other senses of "obeisance" also date from the 14th century, but they have stood the test of time whereas the obedience sense is now obsolete.

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online

So there we are. Back on track!

Stay tuned, friends. It won't be long now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Go-Go Gadget with New Inspector Gadget Pics [Inspector Gadget]

Go-Go Gadget with New Inspector Gadget Pics [Inspector Gadget]: "

New pictures of everyone's favorite cyborg inspector are out thanks to Action-Figure. No telling when or where the new cartoon will air, but let's hope this is an effort to bring back Saturday morning line-up of great cereal-munching toons. Click through to see new pictures of ass-kicking Penny and a her heavy artillery. Looks like we're in for a treat with a few new Inspectors, but there is a noticeable canine lack — where's everyone's favorite pup Brain?

Check out more gadgety pics at Action-Figure.


(Via io9.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

A week without posts

Yes, there was a week without posts. I was without my computer. I'll get back to the word of the weeks next week. I promise.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Seven Deadly Glasses Will Tease, Tempt You With Sinful Wine [Sinful]

You gotta see these glasses. Definitely be sure to click through and see all of them. The only one I don't really understand is Lust. Do you have to lick it?

Seven Deadly Glasses Will Tease, Tempt You With Sinful Wine [Sinful]: "

In vino peccatus... perhaps the saying should go like this, given the kind of hangover a bottle of wine can result in. And designer Kacper Hamilton might well agree. His Seven Deadly Glasses wine glasses are meant to physically represent each sin. So there's the phallic Pride glass, contrasting with the curly Greed glass—that hangs on to a few sips in its tentacles—and Sloth, which needs someone else to drip-feed you the good stuff. Check out the gallery to see the full range of designs: they're pretty intriguing.

Each glass's sin is 'revealed through the ritual of drinking,' says Kacper, adding that the glasses are designed to encourage 'the user to be sinful in a theatrical fashion.' Presumably throwing up theatrically after imbibing too much is entirely up to you, with no help from art or design.

If you're in London between June 12th and 19th, you can see the glasses being exhibited at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design Degree Show. And if you like them, you can order one of the limited edition sets. They come in a mahogany, velvet and brass case, so expect the price to be pretty sinful too. [Kacper Hamilton via Dezeen via Notcot]

(Via Gizmodo.)

Not portable!

I walked in to the Broadway Roastery today, and what did I see but a man with a 17" iMac sitting at a table. You heard me right. An iMac! Check it out!

iMac at Roastery

Sorry bout the picture quality, but all I had was my iSight.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chemistry Party

This post is for all my nerdy friends in chemistry, chemical engineering, or whatever. I found this on YouTube, and knew it was the best thing I'd seen all afternoon!




.Mozilla FirefoxImage via WikipediaSo I read about this extension for Firefox called Zemanta. And I thought I'd give it a try. Essentially, what it does it takes an account of what I've written in each post, and suggests links, pictures, and articles that I may find of interest and share in my blog. So, really, I'm just testing this out riht now, but we'll have to see.

Ah, there you go, see. Zemanta suggested I use this image of Firefox, which, if you ask me, is kinda dumb. But, I didn't have anything else. It'd probably be better if I actually had something to write. Well, I guess I'll have to do that next time. Because this post has no other purpose at all.

Later, folks

Zemanta Pixie

Monday, June 2, 2008

Word of the Week — June 2-8

Word of the week, word of the week. How do you like the word of the week?

garrulous • \GAIR-uh-lus\ • adjective

1 : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2 : wordy

Example Sentence:

With a few judicious revisions, a good editor can often transform garrulous writing into elegant prose.

Did you know?

English has many adjectives that share the meaning "given to talk" or "talking." "Talkative" may imply a readiness to talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation, while "loquacious" suggests the power of expressing oneself articulately, fluently, or glibly. "Voluble" suggests a free, easy, and unending talkativeness, and "garrulous" implies talkativeness that is dull, rambling, or tedious. "Garrulous," by the way, derives from the Latin verb "garrire," which means (no surprise here) "to chatter" or "to babble."

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online


Friday, May 30, 2008

A dictator don't. Notes by dictation. I love blogs.


I am writing this blog by dictation. I don't intend to type a single word. So far, things are going pretty well with this dictation software and I'm rather impressed. Actually it is really, really good. Even Alanna thinks it's pretty good. I mean, it does actually get her name right, and that is really impressive. Sure, it does spell my last name DeYoung, but I can put up with that.

So tonight is the last no-no show of the season. It's sad to see it come to an end, but we'll be back next year. I can't wait.

All right, you know what? Dictating is a lot more work than I thought it was. And it's not really as fast as typing. While it's fast, it would be a lot faster if I knew what I was saying ahead of time. I think this will be the last note that I dictate. Probably not, but there won't be many that I dictate. This is way too much effort for what it's worth.

Well, ladies and germs, I'm off. I'll write more some other time. Boobs. LOL. I will never LOL again.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Whoops! Runaway balloon leaves parachutist grounded

I don't know if anyone has been following Michel Fournier's skydiving attempt, but did things ever go wrong in a big way today! I wonder if he'll try again or just sulk and slink away with his tail between his legs.

Whoops! Runaway balloon leaves parachutist grounded: "A French parachutist's hopes of setting world records for high-altitude jumps were deflated early Tuesday when the balloon designed to ferry him into the Saskatchewan sky drifted away, unsecured to its gondola."

(Via CBC | Canadian News.)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Word of the Week — May 26-June 2

What's happening everyone? Nothing? Good. Same here.

arriviste • \a-rih-VEEST\ • noun

: one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in social position or artistic endeavor)

Example Sentence:

The young entrepreneur was viewed as an arriviste in the business community, and many old-timers were leery of his ideas.

Did you know?

An "arriviste" is someone who is just beginning to "arrive," in the sense of achieving success or making a name for oneself. Often the word can have slightly negative connotations, indicating a person who is highly aggressive or perhaps unscrupulous in his or her climb to the top. Like its synonym "parvenu," "arriviste" can also indicate a lack of certainty or confidence in one's newfound position. "Arriviste" is something of a new arrival itself, relatively speaking. English speakers borrowed the term from French in the early 20th century.

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online

Yesterday, I was an arriviste in the Standardized Patient community, since it was my first time.

So does arriviste = virgin?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and You Expect Me to Believe That?!

Ok, so Alanna and I just got out of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, and I have only one thing to say. What the fuck? That didn't make a lick of sense. I'll warn you now that there are likely to be spoilers in my review, so if you don't want to know what happens, don't read this. I'm brutal at spoilers. But mu pros and cons at the end are spoiler free, so you can just read those.

The opening sequence, in Area 51, is kinda lame, but it does set up the enemy pretty well, so it's alright. I mean, it didn't seem incredibly far-fetched. Well, ok, Indy surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator does, but I can live with that. It just felt like he was helping the bad guys more than Indy would. Somewhere in here, you find out that Cate Blanchett's character is psychic. Seriously?

It doesn't really feel like Indy until he meets Mutt. Then! Then, there's plot. Then, there's intrigue. Then, it's like they realised they knew exactly how to do this and do it well. The next hour or so is CLASSIC Indiana Jones. Especially when it's just Ford and LaBouef, searching for the skull. And when they get captured and taken to the Amazon, well, it's still all good. Ok, so the Russians' plan to use the crystal skulls to hypnotize the world into doing their bidding sucks, but I can look past that. Besides, the chase scene that's about to happen ranks right up there with the Raiders chase scene.

From then out, well, now the movie becomes kinda farcical. I mean, would they really survive going over three waterfalls like that? I don't think so. And while the trip to El Dorado was cool, it just seemed like everything was too easy.

The end sequence, though, turned what could have been a great movie into a mediocre one really fast. It's a serious WTF moment. I mean, I was able to suspend disbelief that, ok, these crystal skulls were from aliens that landed thousands of years ago and taught the Incans everything. And, ok, whoever returns the skull to its place will be granted its power. Sure. These are legends. But when the whole temple becomes first an inter-dimensional portal and then a flying saucer, complete with a CG alien, well, then you lost me. I was ready to leave, and was very happy the movie was over.

I left this film feeling dejected, like it was a piece of crap. Like I had just sat through the worst movie ever. That's how much I hated the end. But as I talked about it, and thought about it more, I realized that the good far outweighed the bad, and while the final scene moved from far-fetched to outlandishly stupid, I enjoyed it overall.

Harrison can still play Indy (though definitely an OLD Indy! Everything he did screamed, "Oh, not again!"), and Shia held his own against him. I used to have a beef with LaBouef, but he was good. He can't take over, but he was a welcome addition. Cate Blanchette's character was lame, but she looked cool. That's about it. And it was nice to see Marion back.

Speaking of Marion, I think the final scene, the wedding, was a touching tribute to the fans, just like all the little nods and winks along the way. If Shia ever puts that fedora on, though, there will be hell to pay.

Pros: C'mon! It's Indiana Jones! But seriously, we get the epic nature of the originals, and the acting is great. Mutt Williams is a great addition. Also, possibly a better chase scene than Raiders (shock)!

Cons: The CGI is a little strong in places, even if it does make things more grandiose. There are more then a couple feats that not even Indy could pull off (nuclear blast, anyone?). The plot is more than a little far-fetched. The climax will leave you scratching your head saying WTF!

Overall: The more I think about this movie, the more I realize that, despite my gripes, I definitely enjoyed it and would go see it again. It's fantastic to see Indy on screen again, and I'm (apparently) willing to look past all the flaws and just have fun. Highly Recommended!


Indiana Jones Monopoly!

Ok, this is officially cool!

Indiana Jones Monopoly! [Official Guide to Indiana Jones]: "

So there have been quite a few awesome versions of Monopoly over the years but for Indiana Jones fans, this is (for the lack of a better comparison) your Holy Grail edition. This Indiana Jones Monopoly Edition is exclusive to Wal-Mart. Starting with the ‘artifact crate’ packaging, down to the game tokens and fertility idols for houses and Ark of the Covenant for hotels…this is one badass collectible. I bought mine at Wal-Mart for just under $30.










If you have any suggestions for our Officially Cool feature, please send an email over to

Related Reading:


(Via Film School Rejects.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Word of the Week — May 19-26

Ah, the long weekend… Yeah, means nothing to me. Whatever. Here's the word!

propensity • \pruh-PENN-suh-tee\ • noun

: an often intense natural inclination or preference

Example Sentence:

"My brother has a propensity for exaggeration," said Daniella, "so you should probably take his claims with a grain of salt."

Did you know?

When it comes to synonyms of "propensity," the letter "p" predominates. "Proclivity," "preference," "penchant," and "predilection" all share with "propensity" the essential meaning "a strong instinct or liking." Not every word that is similar in meaning to "propensity" begins with "p," however. "Propensity" comes from Latin "propensus," the past participle of "propendēre," a verb meaning "to incline" or "to hang forward or down." Thus "leaning" and "inclination" are as good synonyms of "propensity" as any of those "p"-words.

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online

I have a propensity for eating donuts. And procrastinating on this blog. Soz.

Friday, May 16, 2008

WTF, That's Gross: Bread Head Bakery

This is the most intense bread I have ever seen!

WTF, That's Gross: Bread Head Bakery: "breadhead-1.jpg

Kittiwat Unarrom got a master's degree in fine arts and now makes lifelike body parts out of bread at a bakery in Thailand. All the disturbing yeast sculptures are made out of dough, raisins, cashews and chocolate. He'll also paint the outside with some sort of edible paint to give it an even more gruesome appearance. When asked why he does it, Kittiwat replied, 'I'm a wackjob and I like making people sick'.* And what does The Geekologie Writer think of these bready body parts? We may never know -- he's too busy puking up the Spaghetti O's sandwich he had for lunch.

*As interpreted by yours truly.

More pictures after the jump, but warning: they're more graphic than the first one. Yes, I'm a girl. I wear frilly panties."

(Via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome.)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

World’s First Swimming Mask with Integrated 5MP Digital Camera [Snorkellers Say ‘Cheese’, And Drown, Possibly)

World’s First Swimming Mask with Integrated 5MP Digital Camera [Snorkellers Say ‘Cheese’, And Drown, Possibly): "

Digital Camera Swim Mask

Whilst there are a host of underwater cameras currently available – such as the previously featured SeaLife SL321 ECOshot – these, in the main, tend to be hand operated but, for those that want to leave their hands free (to swim, for example, or gesticulate in sheer terror as a shark swims by) this swimming mask with integrated digital camera, billed as the world’s first, could be the answer.

Read the rest of World’s First Swimming Mask with Integrated 5MP Digital Camera [Snorkellers Say ‘Cheese’, And Drown, Possibly) (145 words)

(Via Thoughts from the Sidelines.)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Adventures in Plumbing!

So Saturday was a true experience. Replacing a kitchen faucet. What could be easier, right? Wrong!

What I didn't count on was how incredibly difficult it would be to remove the old, ten year old tap that has been there as long as I can remember. That was hard. We had been debating for weeks how best to remove the old plastic nuts that were never going to be unscrewed. But Saturday, wow, it was business time.

Shut off the water and cut the old plastic tubes. Then, the plan was to install shutoff valves and turn the water back on. Unfortunately, I didn't have a crescent wrench large enough, so it was off to Canadian Tire. Half an hour later ,get the shutoff valves installed, and we're ready to turn on the water, right? Again, wrong! There was a little leak in the hot water, so I tried to tighten it a little. Unfortunately, with all the pressure behind it, the whole valve just shot off. There was water everywhere! Everywhere! Holy crap. Turn the water off and clean up.

Take two! Get the shutoff valves on, and slowly turn on the water. So far, so good. Now to get rid of the old faucet. Wrench: useless. File: useless. Hammer and chisel: useful. Yeah, I know. Good thing that tap is going in the garbage. I chiseled the plastic bits until they broke, and removed the old faucet. Time for the new one.

I'm not going to get into it, but the new one was super easy. I'd like to thank Moen for not only making their products super easy to install, but having good tech support too. Even if it did take five business days before they got back to me. Ugh.

All in all, a job well done.

That story was lame.

R2D2 Ice Bucket with Han Solo Ice Molds Makes Any Drink Nerdier [Star Wars]

Oh Man! Is the not the coolest or what?!

R2D2 Ice Bucket with Han Solo Ice Molds Makes Any Drink Nerdier [Star Wars]: "

Your cocktail parties will surely be the talk of the town once you acquire one of these R2D2 ice buckets. Not only will it keep your ice nice and cold, but it'll do so using Han Solo ice cube molds, providing ice that's shaped like Solo trapped in carbonite. What ladies will be able to resist the combo of your charm, your extensive knowledge of Dr. Who episodes and a vodka soda kept cold by Han Solo? No ladies, that's who. No ladies. [The Green Head via Oh Gizmo!]

(Via Gizmodo.)

NES Controller Coffee Table Actually Works!

NES Controller Coffee Table Actually Works!: "nes-controller-table-1.jpg

We've seen a NES controller case mod, a gigantic fake NES controller, and even a huge functional Atari controller, but never a humongous working Nintendo controller that doubles as a coffee table. Until now. Kyle Downes, a man I wish lived next door, was the creator of this wicked controller table.

Kyle spent months putting this together, starting with a scanned image of his original NES control. This he then simply scaled up, carefully crafting each piece out of MDF and hacking his own wiring onto a broken old controller board.

The glass can be removed if you want to use the controller to play (see video after the jump) and there is plenty of storage for other video game systems in the compartment beneath the controls (see picture after jump). Say, this gives me an idea...

UPDATE: Well they say hindsight is 20/20, but you've got to admit -- a fully functional Wiimote coffee table sounds like a good idea you first time you hear it, doesn't it? No? Well thanks for the warning. Now what the hell am I gonna do with this thing?

A bunch more pictures and a video after the jump. Have a good weekend everyone."

(Via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome.)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Word of the Week — May 12-18

Well, this is it, folks. It's back. Word of the Week. Every Monday, a new word for you to chew on. To savour. To enjoy. So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you THE WORD.

chockablock • \CHAH-kuh-blahk\

1 : brought close together

2 : very full

Example Sentence:

Chandra's tiny apartment is chockablock with fabric, yarn, and other craft supplies.

Did you know?

"Chockablock" started out as a nautical term. A block is a metal or wooden case with one or more pulleys inside. Sometimes, two or more blocks are used (as part of a rope and pulley system called a "block and tackle") to provide a mechanical advantage -- as, for example, when hoisting a sail on a traditional sailing ship. When the rope is pulled as far as it will go, the blocks are tight together and are said to be "chockablock." Non-nautical types associated the "chock" in "chockablock" with "chock-full," which goes back to Middle English "chokkefull," meaning "full to the limit" (a figurative use of "full to choking"). We thus gave "chockablock" the additional meaning "filled up." "Chockablock" can also be an adverb meaning "as close or as completely as possible," as in "families living chockablock" or the seemingly redundant "chockablock full."

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online

So there you have it. A return to the old again. Every Monday!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Get Your Party On with the Emergency Party Button

Check out this AWESOME button. Let's get this party started

Get Your Party On with the Emergency Party Button [Weekend Project]: "

party-button.pngYou're a busy person, with a button-up career gig that takes up most of your waking hours. So when you clock out, you don't have time to put in all the work to get into party mode. What you need is a button—a party button—to take you from straight-laced to party in a matter of seconds. The emergency party button, activated by turning a key and pressing a big red button, does exactly that. After dimming the overhead lights, the party button turns on the party lights, turns up the music, and fires up the fog machine. Hit the jump for a video of the party button in action.


(Via Lifehacker.)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Track Your Domino's Pizza Order from a Terminal [Friday Fun]

Track Your Domino's Pizza Order from a Terminal [Friday Fun]: "

pizza_tracker.jpgNow you can truly see why our commenters dubbed Python the programming language that 'can do anything.' One intrepid (and hungry) hacker, possibly named Nick Jensen, put together a small script that tracks Domino's Pizza orders from phone call to door bell ring. Download and launch the script (with instructions at the link), plug in your phone number, and you don't have to get up until that cheese-covered saucer is at the door. It's just another true sign of how life-changing the command line can really be. Thanks, HowToGeek

(Via Lifehacker.)

Stolen MacBook Victim Uses Screen Sharing and iSight to Bust Thieves [ISight Theft Prevention]

Stolen MacBook Victim Uses Screen Sharing and iSight to Bust Thieves [ISight Theft Prevention]: "

A White Plains, NY woman who was the victim of burglary, including her MacBook, used the Back To My Mac screen sharing feature to turn on her webcam and capture images of the unwitting culprits using the computer. As a result, police were able to arrest the thieves and recover most of the stolen goods, which included two laptops, two flat-screen televisions, two iPods, gaming consoles, DVDs and computer games.

This plan first launched into action when a co-worker of the nameless woman at the Apple Store noticed her computer online and notified the woman. She was then able to log into her computer and the rest is history. So the moral of the story is this: If you steal a MacBook, please be sure to cover the iSight with some tape. Otherwise, you could also be charged with a second degree felony. [Iohud via TUAW]

(Via Gizmodo.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A New Beginning

That's right. I'm starting over. Completely afresh. I even deleted the old blog that was here. That's hardcore. But really, I think it's time. Time for a new beginning.

So what can you expect on this new blog? Well, mostly the same as the last one. I plan a Word of the Week, reviews (movies, books, music, tv, whatever), and generally, posts on whatever I feel. And probably plenty of links I found interesting. There might be some sports now and again. Really, I just want something new. Something to occupy my time. Here goes nothing!